Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I believe that a portrait should have a display of emotion. In order to achieve this the photographer and the subject must attain a mutual (mental, psychological) openness. It is imperative that both are in the most relaxed state possible during the shoot..

I am going to delve more deeply than usual into this process because I believe that it has affected my personal imaging to a great degree.

Briefly, the brain consists of literally billions of neuron cells of different sizes and shapes.

Every time you think, move, taste, smell, hear or touch a neuron chain is formed and stored in your brain. Neurons of similar shape and size join together as chains that control responses. These chains of neurons are known as ganglia. Chains of ganglia are known as ganglionic chains.

Since every time the brain is told to take or not take action these chains are reinforced soon these chains react to an outside stimulus virtually automatically. So, for example, when you see a lemon being squeezed your mouth puckers from the sour image. This is called a response repertory.

So how does this affect photography? If the session is perceived to be a stressful time then the response repertory tells the muscles and emotions to tense up. This is not beneficial to the session. So what to do about it?

Well let’s look at these neuron things a little further.

During the time that a neuron is a link in an active neuron chain, it continues to generate electricity alternating between negative and positive frequencies varying from .5 cycles per second up to 30 cycles per second. This range of firing frequency of neuron cells is divided onto four sectors which are defined as brain rhythms. They are Delta (below 4 BPS), Theta (4 to 7 BPS) Alpha (8 to 14 BPS) , and Beta (15 and up BPS).It appears that the slower the brain wave the more powerful it is

It has been shown that positioning oneself in one or the other of these levels on purpose is possible. It has also been demonstrated that the brain is highly receptive to suggestions of calm, openness, and relaxation.

So the first thing that we need to do is “Everybody RELAX”. Take the time to talk to the subject and even tell yourself to relax and have some fun with what you are doing. Explain what you are going to do and how you are going to do it. Have the subject sit or stand in a few different positions and talk about how this can enhance the shoot.

Once everybody is relaxed and the customer is calm and in a relaxed and open mood, set lights, adjust the camera and make images.

Now back to the brain wave thing. As the customer relaxes the brain slows down and becomes closer to the Alpha wave level the customer becomes more receptive to your suggestions. A cooperating customer who is in tune with you is a joy to work with.

There are many who discount this brain wave thing as BS but I have used this methodology and I can tell you it works. It sets up an emotional bond that greatly enhances the creativity potential of the shot.

An image without emotion is like a soup without salt.